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King's Group Academies

Our Data Protection Officer is:

Judicium Education

020 7336 8403

Subject Access requests can be made here: Judicium Education - Subject Access Request

Freedom of Information Requests can be made here: Judicium Education - Freedom of Information Requests

We have carefully considered and analysed the impact of our policies on equality and the possible implications for students with protected characteristics, as part of our commitment to meet the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) requirement to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations.

In addition to the King's Academy Prospect policies which can be viewed or downloaded below, the KGA Trust-wide policies are available on the Trust's central website. These include the Complaints Procedure, Whistle-Blowing Policy, financial policies and reports, privacy notices and Gender Pay Gap information.

All policies will be reviewed in line with DfE requirements and within at least every three years from the last published date. Our admissions arrangements are next due for consultation in 2025.