We are very much looking forward to you joining us. You're joining us at a very exciting time for our school!
Here you will find all the information you need to ensure you will get off to a flying start!
In Year Admissions
We occasionally have spaces in other year groups outside the main admissions process.
For admissions in Years 7-11 contact: Mrs J Clyne
For admissions to the Sixth Form contact: Mrs M Sehra
Supplementary Admissions Form
Please complete this form as soon as possible to ensure we have all the correct contact details.
Open mornings for prospective Year 5 and 6 students and their families run every Tuesday and Thursday at 9.15am throughout September, October, May and June.
Please email to book a place.
Meet the Team!
We have a dedicated team working hard to support the transition process.
Please get in contact with any of us if you need support with any aspect of transition:
- Ms Morris – Deputy Headteacher
- Miss Ralston – Progress Manager (Lower School)
- Mrs Clyne – Student Support Manager
All students are allocated a House. If you have older siblings, you will be in the same House whilst you are at King's Academy Prospect:
From September 2024:
- Mrs Spooner - Head of Progress Year 7
- Miss Smith - Head of Progress Year 8
- Mr Priddey – Head of Progress Year 9
- Miss Blake - Head of Progress Year 10
- Mr Radnedge - Head of Progress Year 11
Welcome to King's Academy Prospect
Please read our Welcome Guide, which has all the key information that you need.
Transition - Frequently Asked Questions
I have been offered a place at King's Academy Prospect; how do I accept it?
To accept your school place, you need to log onto the school admissions portal via the Reading Borough Council website. You would have used this portal to apply for your child’s secondary school places. When you log onto the portal, you have the option to accept or withdraw your child’s place here at Prospect School. Please use the link below to log on to the school admissions portal.
I don't currently have a place for my child; how do I apply to King's Academy Prospect?
All admissions to Year 7 are handled by Reading Borough Council.
You can make a late application to King's Academy Prospect via this link:
Will my child be able to visit King's Academy Prospect for a transition day?
We invite all Y6 students to experience time in school, getting to know the routines and school building, before being joined by students from other year groups. We usually run two transition days in the first week of July.
We run a five-day summer school for all new Year 7 students during the first week of the summer holidays.
Will my child be in the same tutor group as his/her friends?
We have students joining us from a large number of different primary schools. Students will be allocated to a number of different groups throughout the day and may be with a different group of students in lessons. It is likely, therefore, that students from the same primary school will be with other students they know at some point during the day.
We spend a lot of time talking to Year 6 teacher ahead of transition and will always act on their advice where possible.
If your child has older siblings already at King's Academy Prospect, they will be in the same House, so the Head of House is a single point of contact for all children in your family.
My child has additional needs. What extra help will he/she get?
Inclusion is a core value at King's Academy Prospect and we have very high expectations of all our students, whatever their additional needs. Our SENCO will meet with the SENCO of your child’s primary school to make sure that we understand your child’s individual needs and to plan for any support that needs to be put in place to allow your child to access a full and varied curriculum.
For students joining as part of our MLD provision, they may follow a slightly amended timetable and curriculum offer that suits their precise needs.
Will my child be able to take part in any clubs?
Character education is central to the experience of all students at King's Academy Prospect. All students will be encouraged and supported to take part in a wealth of opportunities, including sport, music and the performing arts, creative activities, cultural visits, residential trips, outdoor learning experiences, work experience and opportunities to develop leadership skills. There are extra-curricular clubs running every night of the week and during both school breaks each day.
Will my child have homework?
All students are expected to complete daily homework because this is what will ensure they have a better chance of success. Students in Y7 have daily reading and self-quizzing homework. They also have weekly online homework in their core subjects. This includes using the Hegarty platform for maths and the Educake platform for Science. Y7 students may work in the school library every day during after school, where they have access to computers and support from school staff to help with any homework challenges. Computer rooms, staffed by subject specialist teachers, are also open during the school breaks for students wishing to complete homework. Incomplete homework will result in an after school detention sanction. Repeated incomplete homework will trigger additional support.
When will I be able to buy school uniform?
Our uniform is supplied by a specialist uniform company called Stevenson; they have a shop in the Market Place in Reading town centre.
Non-branded items of school uniform can be purchased at a wide range of shops; many have dedicated school uniform sections and often have special offers available in the run up to the new school year.
I have heard that you are very strict about school uniform. Is this true?
Yes! Students at King's Academy Prospect must look smart and professional at all times and we have worked hard to ensure that students have a smart, practical and affordable uniform. This means tutors will check uniform at the start of every day. Blazers must be worn, shirts must be tucked in; black socks must be long enough to cover the ankle fully (trainer socks are not allowed); students may wear one pair of plain small gold or silver stud earrings and a watch – no other jewellery is allowed. Trousers have to be straight-cut and tailored – tight-fitting trousers are banned; if students choose to wear a skirt this must be the official tartan school skirt. Nail varnish and visible make-up are not allowed.Trainers or trainer-style shoes are also not allowed. Students who wear a hijab or other head covering must ensure that it is plain black. Full face coverings will not be allowed in the school environment.
We are able to lend students items of uniform if they forget something but students who refuse to work in collaboration with us or who persistently choose to break uniform rules, are sanctioned.
Please do not put your child at a disadvantage by buying them items of clothing that do not meet our requirements.
What equipment will my child need?
All students need a bag to carry books and their equipment. Y7 students are given an A5 size planner to record their homework and a Knowledge Organiser to help them learn key information for all of their subjects. These must be brought to school every day, along with a reading book, pencil case and a scientific calculator.
We recommend the Casio FX-83GT X Scientific calculator
What is your policy on mobile phones?
We understand that used properly, technology can have a very positive impact on young people’s lives and our aim is to ensure that they know how to use their mobile phones safely and appropriately.
However, we also believe that it is important that young people have time away from their phones and social media, and therefore, if students bring their phone into school, it must be kept switched off in their bags all day.
Will my child have to do tests or exams?
All students joining King's Academy Prospect complete assessments regularly so that we can check on their progress and plan any additional support, such as numeracy or literacy interventions. Reading tests are key to making sure that teachers plan work that challenges students at an appropriate level. Y6 students will complete reading assessments as part of their transition; without SATs we will use teacher assessments but may carry out additional assessments to ensure that students remain on track to make high levels of progress.
I’ve heard that students who disrupt learning are taken out of class. Is this true?
Learning in a disruption-free classroom is a commitment we make to all students at King's Academy Prospect. If you choose to disrupt someone else’s learning, the teacher will give you a warning and will remind you of the rules. If you choose to disrupt learning for a second time, you will be asked to leave the lesson and to report to a supervised study area, and we will contact your family; you will not be permitted to return to class that day and in some circumstances you may be asked to work from home. Repeated removal from class will trigger additional support.
Can my child bring a bike to school?
Yes. We encourage students to walk or cycle to school to stay healthy. Students may lock their bikes up on our bike rack, using a traditional bike lock. The bike rack is accessible from Honey End Lane only. Students may not cycle on the school premises and should observe safe cycling rules on the roads as they approach and leave school.
Be Awesome, Go Big!
We're delighted to bring you these resources, in partnership with PiXL, to support you through Transition. Your own copy of Go Big! will be arriving in the post after half term.
Supporting your child through transition
Some parents and carers have done this all before - for others, this is your first child taking the big step to secondary school and that can be pretty scary!
These resources are designed to help you support your child through their journey to secondary school.
Resources for Parents/Carers
- Building Resilience (pdf)
- Growth Mindset (pdf)
- Helping your child get into good habits (pdf)
- Making the change (pdf)
- Transition into secondary school (pdf)
Are you Secondary Ready?
In order to help you get ready for starting Year 7, we have put together a list of tasks for you to complete before September.
We will be sending you home an exercise book and writing equipment to help you complete these tasks; you will need to bring your book to school at the start of term in September, so we can see how well you have done!
If you get stuck on any of the tasks, email our teachers who will be happy to help you get it finished.
Religion and Philosophy
Modern Foreign Languages
Ms Z Mumford
We offer French and German at Prospect School; students are allocated a language at the start of Year 7.
Art and Design
Technology and Food Technology
Physical Education